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Three years ago, I had surgery to have some fibroids removed because it was hard for me to have children. My doctor told me that I should get pregnant in the next year or so. Well not even six months later, I was feeling really bad at work. Co-workers kept saying I needed to take a test, even offered to buy one but I said no I'm okay. I got a break and went to the store to purchase a pregnancy test. I took the test at work and was very surprised that it said POSITIVE! I did everything I was supposed to do by going to the doctor, eating the right foods, and everything else needed. After being pregnant for 17 weeks, I lost my 1st child. A girl I named Takira Ja’zelle Jenkins. I was devastated, hurt, and numb. Asking God why and I know you not supposed to question God’s work. I went on with my life and just about eight months later, I found out that I was pregnant again. This one only lasted 6 weeks. Again, I questioned God why this keep happening to me. Three months later, I was pregnant again. I was scared because of what happened the last two times. I prayed every day asking God to please let me have this baby. With going to the doctor weekly because of being a high risk for miscarriages, I carried my baby to 36 weeks. My rainbow baby Darjae Ni’kira Jenkins was born on 01/21/21.  



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